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Software & Support Services

Custom Software Development and Support

State-of-the-art, reliable and on-time every time software is the primary differentiation factor that drives the connected world and the communication eco-system partners today. The fast paced evolution and proliferation of communication technology and user devices demands a seamless, consistent and reliable customer experience that requires the software produced by companies to be efficient, error-free and on-time as per the market demands.

BlueRibbonprovides custom software development services with a full life cycle support for Telecom and Enterprise Mobility domains. Our experience in delivering products for service providers and device and network OEMs on one hand and delivering mobile applications for the enterprise industry on the other hand enables us to effectively understand the requirements and expectations of the end users. BlueRibbon’s Software Services and Support practice is a comprehensive portfolio spanning Solution Architecture, Software development and Sustenance & Support services. Aided through matured process frameworks and methodology, we are able to formulate comprehensive solutions for our customers.


BlueRibbon’s Software Services practice provides range of services to Telecommunication and Enterprise Industries.


Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Increasing proliferation of devices, exponential growth of data centric applications, growing trend of Bring-Your-Own Device (BYOD) concept and the enterprises’ need of better efficiency to carry out field operations have led to increased adaptation of standardized or customized Enterprise Mobility solutions. Mobile applications, with proper business and process analysis, can improve the performance of many core business processes of the enterprise. However, enterprise mobile applications are not “fun apps” and must adhere to specific corporate policies and integrate effectively with other enterprise systems if they are to make a measurable business impact. Piece-Meal solutions, multiple choices of platforms and devices, custom business processes & workflows, real time tracking and analytics make Enterprise Mobility solutions a daunting task.

BlueRibbonhelps enterprises solve complex business challenges and improve business process performance through the use of mobile technology. Using its standardized services framework comprising of Business Consulting, Solution development and Solution deployment, BlueRibbon is able to formulate customized Enterprise Mobility solutions.


BlueRibbon’s possesses wide ranging capabilities in creating enterprise wide solutions. Deep domain knowledge in the communication industry helps us to effectively address the connectivity issues, create efficient and cost-effective Enterprise mobility solutions.


Platform based Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Enterprise Mobility solutions are either custom developed (developed from the scratch) or bought Off-The-Shelf. Both the approaches have pitfalls of their own. Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) solutions have too many bells and whistles as one pays for features that one never uses and scalability (in features and size alike) is always an issue. Fully customized solutions take a long time to develop and are mostly dependent on the implementation capabilities of the developers.

What businesses need is a platform-based solution that offers the time-to-deploy advantage of COTS software along with the ability to customize the application front-end to meet the unique needs of your enterprise and capitalize on your device/platform choices.

BlueRibbon’s flagship product AInstein is a cloud-based, scalable, and secure platform that enables rapid creation of context aware (location, network characteristics, policies, etc.) secure business mobility solutions. It provides communication and integration capabilities between backend systems and mobile devices in a seamless manner, consists of pre-built components such as User management, Inventory management, Geo-tracking, Time-stamp captures, Reporting service etc. therebyreducing time to build and deploy. Its advanced monitoring features measure and report usage of device and network resource by Apps allowing further optimization. Some of the sample use-cases that can be easily implemented using AInstein Platform are

  • Field-Force Automation
    • Service/Field engineer dispatch and management system
    • Assisted Living Center personnel dispatch and management system
  • Location Tracking System
    • Valet Service Management
    • Fleet Management System
    • Property and Waste Management System
  • Employee Time Management System
  • Application Analytics

Software Sustenance Services

Constant innovation coupled with long deployment and replacement cycles in Telecom industry leads to many versions of products and solutions in production. This results in many experts to spend considerable time on maintenance and support tasks instead of working on new technology and innovations. We have devised a methodology to aid in the support and maintenance of legacy versions there by empowering our customer’s experts so they can focus on innovation.


BlueRibbon provides 24x7x365 support services to cover L1 and L2 support for several enterprise customers. Services include L1, L2 support along with complex projects related to upgrade planning, migration support, special applications development and integration, incident reporting and resolution and security.
