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Privacy Policy

This site is administered and maintained by BlueRibbon. It is committed to preserving your privacy when you visit our website. The following is a specific description of how we protect your privacy during your visit.

Information Collection

Our web site collects information either indirectly through use of our site’s technology and/or directly through the submission of inquiry forms containing personal contact information.

Information Sharing and Usage

BlueRibbondoes not sell, rent or trade your specific user information to any parties nor will we share your email address or contact information with other parties without your prior consent. Information collected – either through voluntary submissions or through Internet access logs – will not be used for secondary or unrelated purposes unless otherwise disclosed at the point of submission. The information we do collect will be used to determine what is most effective about our site, to help us identify ways to improve it, and to determine how we can tailor our website to make it more effective. BlueRibbonreserves the right to perform analysis and profile user behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of certain areas. This data will be used for Companies internal purposes only.
