// // GK NSP Widget // (function () { "use strict"; jQuery(window).load(function () { jQuery(document).find('.gk-nsp').each(function (i, widget) { if (!jQuery(widget).hasClass('activated')) { new GK_NSP(widget); } }); }); var GK_NSP = function (widget) { // init class fields this.init_fields(widget); // init the interface this.init_interface(); }; GK_NSP.prototype = { // class fields animation: true, arts: null, arts_block_width: 0, arts_current: 0, arts_pages: null, arts_per_page: null, config: null, hover: false, links: null, links_block_width: 0, links_pages: null, links_pages_amount: null, links_current: 0, modInterface: null, module: null, anim_property: '', // init_fields: function (module) { // the most important class field ;) this.module = jQuery(module); this.module.addClass('activated'); // rest of the fields this.config = []; this.config.animation_speed = 400; this.config.autoanim = this.module.attr('data-autoanim') === 'on' ? true : false; this.config.autoanim_interval = this.module.attr('data-autoanimint') !== '' ? this.module.attr('data-autoanimint') : 5000; this.config.autoanim_hover = this.module.attr('data-autoanimhover') === 'on' ? true : false; this.config.news_column = this.module.attr('data-cols'); this.config.news_rows = this.module.attr('data-rows'); this.config.links_amount = this.module.attr('data-links'); this.arts = this.module.find('.gk-nsp-art'); this.arts_pages = this.module.find('.gk-nsp-arts-page'); this.arts_per_page = this.config.news_column * this.config.news_rows; this.links = (this.module.find('.gk-nsp-links-scroll')) ? this.module.find('.gk-nsp-links-scroll li') : []; this.links_pages = this.module.find('.gk-nsp-list'); this.links_pages_amount = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(this.links.length / this.config.links_amount)); this.modInterface = { top: this.module.find('.gk-nsp-arts-nav'), bottom: this.module.find('.gk-nsp-links-nav') }; this.pages_amount = Math.ceil(this.arts.length / this.arts_per_page); this.anim_property = jQuery('html').attr('dir') === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left'; }, init_interface: function () { var $this = this; // arts if (this.arts.length > 0) { this.arts_block_width = 100; } // events this.module.mouseenter(function () { if (!$this.module.hasClass('onhover')) { $this.module.addClass('onhover'); } }); // this.module.mouseleave(function () { if ($this.module.hasClass('onhover')) { $this.module.removeClass('onhover'); } }); // links if (this.links.length > 0) { this.links_block_width = 100; } // top interface this.nsp_art_list(0, 'top'); this.nsp_art_list(0, 'bottom'); // if (this.modInterface.top && this.modInterface.top.find('.gk-nsp-pagination')) { this.modInterface.top.find('.gk-nsp-pagination li').each(function (i, item) { jQuery(item).click(function () { $this.arts_anim(i); }); }); } // if (this.modInterface.top && this.modInterface.top.find('.gk-nsp-prev')) { this.modInterface.top.find('.gk-nsp-prev').click(function () { $this.arts_anim('prev'); }); this.modInterface.top.find('.gk-nsp-next').click(function () { $this.arts_anim('next'); }); } // bottom interface if (this.modInterface.bottom && this.modInterface.bottom.find('.gk-nsp-pagination')) { this.modInterface.bottom.find('.gk-nsp-pagination li').each(function (i, item) { jQuery(item).click(function () { $this.lists_anim(i); }); }); } // if (this.modInterface.bottom && this.modInterface.bottom.find('.gk-nsp-prev')) { this.modInterface.bottom.find('.gk-nsp-prev').click(function () { $this.lists_anim('prev'); }); this.modInterface.bottom.find('.gk-nsp-next').click(function () { $this.lists_anim('next'); }); } if (this.config.autoanim) { setTimeout(function () { $this.autoanim(); }, this.config.autoanim_interval); if (this.config.autoanim_hover) { this.module.mouseenter(function () { $this.hover = true; }); this.module.mouseleave(function () { $this.hover = false; }); } } // article touch events var arts_pos_start_x = 0; var arts_pos_start_y = 0; var arts_time_start = 0; var arts_swipe = false; var arts_container = jQuery(this.module.find('.gk-nsp-arts')); arts_container.bind('touchstart', function (e) { arts_swipe = true; var touches = e.originalEvent.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.touches; if (touches.length > 0) { arts_pos_start_x = touches[0].pageX; arts_pos_start_y = touches[0].pageY; arts_time_start = new Date().getTime(); } }); arts_container.bind('touchmove', function (e) { var touches = e.originalEvent.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.touches; if (touches.length > 0 && arts_swipe) { if ( Math.abs(touches[0].pageX - arts_pos_start_x) > Math.abs(touches[0].pageY - arts_pos_start_y) ) { e.preventDefault(); } else { arts_swipe = false; } } }); arts_container.bind('touchend', function (e) { var touches = e.originalEvent.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.touches; if (touches.length > 0 && arts_swipe) { if ( Math.abs(touches[0].pageX - arts_pos_start_x) >= 30 && new Date().getTime() - arts_time_start <= 500 ) { if (touches[0].pageX - arts_pos_start_x > 0) { $this.arts_anim('prev'); } else { $this.arts_anim('next'); } } } }); // links touch events var links_pos_start_x = 0; var links_pos_start_y = 0; var links_time_start = 0; var links_swipe = false; var links_container = jQuery(this.module.find('.gk-nsp-links')); links_container.bind('touchstart', function (e) { links_swipe = true; var touches = e.originalEvent.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.touches; if (touches.length > 0) { links_pos_start_x = touches[0].pageX; links_pos_start_y = touches[0].pageY; links_time_start = new Date().getTime(); } }); links_container.bind('touchmove', function (e) { var touches = e.originalEvent.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.touches; if (touches.length > 0 && links_swipe) { if ( Math.abs(touches[0].pageX - links_pos_start_x) > Math.abs(touches[0].pageY - links_pos_start_y) ) { e.preventDefault(); } else { links_swipe = false; } } }); links_container.bind('touchend', function (e) { var touches = e.originalEvent.changedTouches || e.originalEvent.touches; if (touches.length > 0 && links_swipe) { if ( Math.abs(touches[0].pageX - links_pos_start_x) >= 30 && new Date().getTime() - links_time_start <= 500 ) { if (touches[0].pageX - links_pos_start_x > 0) { $this.lists_anim('prev'); } else { $this.lists_anim('next'); } } } }); }, // nsp_art_list: function (i, pos) { var num = (i !== null) ? i : (pos === 'top') ? this.arts_current : this.links_current; if (this.modInterface[pos] && this.modInterface[pos].find('.gk-nsp-pagination')) { var pagination = this.modInterface[pos].find('.gk-nsp-pagination'); pagination.find('li').attr('class', ''); jQuery(pagination.find('li')[num]).attr('class', 'active'); } }, // arts_anim: function (dir) { var $this = this; jQuery(this.arts_pages[this.arts_current]).removeClass('active'); if (dir === 'next') { this.arts_current = (this.arts_current === this.pages_amount - 1) ? 0 : this.arts_current + 1; } else if (dir === 'prev') { this.arts_current = (this.arts_current === 0) ? this.pages_amount - 1 : this.arts_current - 1; } else { this.arts_current = dir; } // if (this.anim_property === 'left') { jQuery($this.module.find('.gk-nsp-arts-scroll')).animate({ 'margin-left': (-1 * this.arts_current * this.arts_block_width) + "%" }, $this.config.animation_speed); } else { jQuery($this.module.find('.gk-nsp-arts-scroll')).animate({ 'margin-right': (-1 * this.arts_current * this.arts_block_width) + "%" }, $this.config.animation_speed); } setTimeout(function () { jQuery($this.arts_pages[$this.arts_current]).addClass('active'); }, this.config.animation_speed * 0.5); this.nsp_art_list(this.arts_current, 'top'); this.animation = false; setTimeout(function () { $this.animation = true; }, this.config.animation_interval * 0.8); }, // lists_anim: function (dir) { var $this = this; for (var x = 0; x < 1; x++) { var item = this.links_pages[this.links_current * 1 + x]; if (item) { jQuery(item).removeClass('active'); } } if (dir === 'next') { this.links_current = (this.links_current === this.links_pages_amount - 1) ? 0 : this.links_current + 1; } else if (dir === 'prev') { this.links_current = (this.links_current === 0) ? this.links_pages_amount - 1 : this.links_current - 1; } else { $this.links_current = dir; } setTimeout(function () { for (var x = 0; x < 1; x++) { var item = $this.links_pages[$this.links_current * 1 + x]; if (item) { jQuery(item).addClass('active'); } } }, this.config.animation_speed * 0.5); // if (this.anim_property === 'left') { jQuery($this.module.find('.gk-nsp-links-scroll')).animate({ 'margin-left': (-1 * this.links_current * this.links_block_width) + "%" }, $this.config.animation_speed); } else { jQuery($this.module.find('.gk-nsp-links-scroll')).animate({ 'margin-right': (-1 * this.links_current * this.links_block_width) + "%" }, $this.config.animation_speed); } this.nsp_art_list(null, 'bottom'); }, // autoanim: function () { var $this = this; if (!this.hover) { this.arts_anim('next'); } setTimeout(function () { $this.autoanim(); }, this.config.autoanim_interval); } }; })();