Multiskillism – A Conscious Strategy For A Happy Life

Job security has been one of the biggest concerns in the modern way of living. This has prevented many of us from truly enjoying life and doing what we actually wanted to do. Due to this fear, we spend almost half of our life working on what we don’t like and the other half under the fear of losing it. This is quite an irony of life but it seems like a vicious cycle that is hard to break. We want to ensure an uninterrupted flow of income and to achieve this hallucinatory sense of security, we continue plugging away at the undesirable and monotonous work life. Now the question is: how can we make our job more fun and better integrated with our joyful life? We all have heard about doing what you love or love what you do, but do whatever, the monotony of that once loved work will set in at some point and again it will become a drag on your life.

An effective way to break this barrier is being multi-skilled if you want to continue the fun and keep your work life interesting. Let’s call this practice “Multiskillism”. When practicing ‘multiskillism’, one develops at least two or more skills in such a way that each skill can generate sufficient income for an individual to maintain the quality of his/her life. Multiskillism gives income resiliency in case there is loss of job or business but most importantly, it keeps you positively engaged with your work life. You may have obtained your first professional skill due to your education, compulsion or any peer pressure but you are more likely to strive in developing new skills out of your sheer interest and love for the benefits the new skills offer such as satisfaction and joy. Subject to one’s work schedule and time management capabilities, these multiple skills can be professionally practiced in parallel or in an alternate manner. Multiskillism allows us to take a better control of our life by providing flexibility, income resiliency and of course, joy at work.

But it is always a challenge to break the set pattern and people’s perception about us and demonstrate our less known (or unknown) professional skills in a trusted manner. People gauge us under the lens of history and any deviation from the past generates suspicion. To establish ourselves in a new professional space, it is important to showcase our capabilities in a reliable way. And today what else can be more credible than a video demonstration of all of your skills that can serve as a proof of your work. Welcome to Blue Ribbon! Blue Ribbon mobile platform empowers people to define various skills under one individual profile and an individual can showcase pieces of their work under each skill category therefore setting the stage to become a multi-skilled personality. Blue Ribbon promotes ‘multiskillism’ by encouraging people to purposefully learn and develop many professional skills to achieve a more flexible, involved and joyful life. The ultimate purpose of one’s job is to achieve a joyful and satisfying life whether we acknowledge this consciously or it is buried deep under our subconscious state of mind.