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    Managed & Life Cycle

New Products & Solutions

BlueRibbonunderstands the challenge OEMs and Service Providers face when Introducing cutting edge technology for mass usage and our experience allows us tooter solutions that assure a successful rollout in the complex market place. We can identify, recommend and provide necessary support to succeed in Product Launch. Our affiliations with technology providers during the development phase helps us to acquire deep product and solution knowledge to help us support our partners and their customers during Lab Certification, FOA, Rollout and Support phases.

For example, we can supply software tools — from simple data migration and mediation to complex provisioning, troubleshooting and reporting functions — to facilitate new product integration into the production environment. We can help in all phases of testing for cutting edge products and solutions ranging from test strategy to test execution. We have vast experience in building test harnesses, defining processes and test cases, automating testing and reporting.  We can also provide accurate and customer friendly documentation. Our standard training offering augmented with product specific content helps to empower various engineering resources in a timely manner thereby allowing a successful launch of the product.